
Breath That Smells Like Feces_016

Breath That Smells Like Feces

Breath That Smells Like Feces

In this episode, Dr. Lisa Germain addresses what causes your breath to smell like feces, and what you can do about it. Learn the scoop about breath that smells like poop.

Important Things Discussed in this Episode:

  • Why does your breath smells like poop
  • Things you need to know about stool or poop
  • Things you can do to avoid bad breath
  • How your bowel movement affects your oral health


Anything you eat while unable to pass a bowel movement remains inside your digestive tract and ferments causing bad breath. It is important that your bowels work well to absorb nutrients that are necessary to keep your body going, but also to keep out any foods chemicals and germs that could do you harm.

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