Can the Bacteria That Cause Gum Disease Also Cause Alzheimer’s Disease?_22

In this episode, I will answer the question, will gum disease increase your risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease
Important Things Discussed in this Episode
- Causes of Alzheimer’s disease
- Periodontal disease – More Info About it
- Researchers also detected the bacterium’s DNA in spinal fluid taken from living Alzheimer’s patients.
- Prime suspects in and killing nerve cells.
- Now as for dental hygiene, more research is needed to determine what it means for Alzheimer’s disease.
And while there isn’t a clear cause and effect relationship between gum disease and Alzheimer’s, there’s enough of a connection that people should exercise a bit of caution. Individuals that are having issues with their gums should treat them because all of these things point to the effects of gum disease and oral health on overall health

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