Can you catch cavities from another person when you kiss them?_005

In this episode, Dr. Lisa Germain answers the question, “Are cavities a contagious disease that can be spread while kissing?” Information about parents spreading the bacteria from cavities to their children and how to prevent it will be discussed as well.
Important Things Discussed in this Episode:
- How you can catch cavity from kissing another person
- Are cavities contagious?
- How to prevent yourself from getting cavities from another person
- Importance of having your own toothbrush
We don’t live in a sterile environment and even the most diligent among us can sometimes, well break the “rules”. So one of the key actions you can take personally to not develop cavities is through regular brushing and flossing yourself. Not only will you help prevent the spread of cavities, but you’ll be setting a good example of oral care for your family and friends that hopefully will be “contagious” as well!
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